Bhagwan’s Holy Cave in Guruvanam
The cave where Bhagwan sat during his adolescent years of having arrived in Guruvanam

The Holy Cave of Bhagawan situated in Guruvanam is very mystical, it’s protected by tall mountains from all the sides just like the walls of a Fort. Bhagawan used to stay there and also travel to many places through it. Many sages, Maha Siddhas used to come there to have darshan of Bhagawan there. At the entrance of the Cave, His Holy Padukas are enshrined and worshipped. in the rainy seasons, a small stream of water keeps flowing through it, nobody knows where it comes from.
Once a boy asked Bhagawan what is there inside the cave, Bhagawan took the boy inside holding his hand and the boy had divine vision of Great heroes of Ramayan and Mahabharath, Rishis and Adishesha. The boy later lived up to 104 years.
Once on being asked about his coming to Guruvanam, Bhagwan had indicated that this was not the first time he was here, which revealed that this was not his only incarnation and that he was connected to this place from many lifetimes.

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