Reaching Kanhangad
Kanhangad is situated in North Kerala and almost in the borders of Karnataka and Kerala states of India. Kanhangad is well connected by trains and buses.

Mangalore to Kanhangad
You can reach Mangalore, a city in Karnataka, well connected by flight, bus or train. The distance between Mangalore and Kanhangad is only 84 kms.
If you are reaching Mangalore by flight, then the airport is about 45 mins away from the railway station/bus stand. You may either travel further from Mangalore to Kanhangad by train or bus.
Most of the trains moving from Kerala towards Karnataka and trains moving from Karnataka towards Kerala, stop at the Kanhangad Railway Station. Both, the bus stand and the railways station are only about 2 kms from the ashram. To travel from Mangalore to Kanhangad, it takes about 3 hours by bus and about 2 hours by train.
From the bus stand/railway station, Nithyananda Ashram is only 10 mins by the easily-available autos.
Bangalore to Kanhangad
You can reach Bangalore by flight and take an overnight train or bus to Kanhangad.
You can check/book in currently available trains on
You can check/book in currently available trains on
From the bus stand/railway station, Nithyananda Ashram is only 10 mins by the easily-available autos.
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